
1. 网站资料的所有权和使用

本网站“受版权保护的材料”:商标, service marks, logos, insignia, graphics, music, sounds, images, photographs, page headers, button icons, information, 数据和其他元素和材料, 包括设计, 外观/感觉和布局, are owned by and are the copyrighted works of 赌钱app可以微信提现 or its third-party providers.

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As a general rule, any permission granted to reproduce or use the Copyrighted Materials requires that user: i) not modify the Copyrighted Materials; ii) include any copyright notice originally included with such information; iii) credit the source; and, Iv)包括免责声明.

2. Online Conduct

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赌钱app可以微信提现 controls and operates this site from its Information Services and the 战略沟通, 营销部门. 赌钱app可以微信提现 makes no representation that the site or the materials are appropriate or available for use outside the USA. 如果您从美国以外的地点使用本网站, you are responsible for compliance with USA and foreign export and import laws and regulations and all applicable local laws. Individuals using this site from locations within the European Union or the European Economic Area countries of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway should refer to rights afforded to them by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 哪些在本网站列出 Privacy Statement.

9. Submissions

除非联合商会另有明文规定, all comments, questions, feedback, information or other materials you submit to 赌钱app可以微信提现 through or in connection with this site ("Submissions") shall be considered non-confidential and 赌钱app可以微信提现's property. 通过向联委会提供这些意见书, you assign to 赌钱app可以微信提现, at no charge, 全球所有权利, 提交作品的标题和兴趣, including all copyrights and other intellectual property rights. 赌钱app可以微信提现 shall be free to use and/or disseminate such submissions on an unrestricted basis for any purpose. 你承认你, not 赌钱app可以微信提现, 对提交的作品负全部责任, 包括它们的准确性, legality, reliability, appropriateness, 原创与版权.

10. 赌钱app可以微信提现的权利与救济

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11. Governing Law; Choice of Forum

These terms of use, the use of the site will be governed by and construed and enforced under the laws of the state of Kansas (excluding any conflict of laws rules). These terms of use represent the entire understanding relating to the use of the site and prevail over any prior or contemporaneous, 冲突或附加, communications. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any legal proceedings relating to these terms of use or to the site or transactions or activity conducted on or relating to the site will be the appropriate state or federal courts in Johnson County, Kansas; you consent to such jurisdiction and waive all objections to such courts based on jurisdiction, 论坛场地及不便之处.

12. 联系信息

If you have any questions about these terms of use or if you would like to request permission to use any materials, 请联系赌钱app可以微信提现战略沟通, 市场营销部门. 任何问题都可以问克里斯·格雷, 助理副总裁, 战略沟通, Marketing, chrisgray@promisesurfing.net or 913-469-7623.